Windows 11 Copilot is an AI-powered assistant designed to make your computing experience smoother and more efficient. Whether you’re looking to manage your open windows, change system settings, or quickly launch applications, Copilot has got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore 10 really cool things you can do with Windows 11 Copilot to enhance your productivity and streamline your tasks.

Key Takeaways

  • Windows 11 Copilot can help you organize open windows efficiently.
  • You can quickly change system settings using Copilot.
  • Copilot allows you to launch applications with simple commands.
  • Muting the volume and other audio controls are easily accessible through Copilot.
  • You can turn on features like Do Not Disturb and Dark Mode using Copilot.

Organize Open Windows

Windows 11 Copilot makes it incredibly easy to keep your workspace tidy and efficient. Discover the power of AI with Copilot in Windows to manage your open windows seamlessly. With just a few clicks, you can arrange your windows in a way that maximizes productivity and minimizes clutter.

Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Click the Copilot button in the top-right corner of your screen.
  2. Type “Organize my windows” into the text field.
  3. Hit send, and Copilot will suggest various layout options.
  4. Choose your preferred layout and watch as your windows snap into place.

This feature is especially useful for those who work with multiple applications at once, such as computer professionals or anyone using used laptops and desktops.

Additionally, you can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly snap windows into place. For example, pressing the Windows Key and the Left Arrow will snap a window to the left half of the screen. This is particularly handy for those who frequently switch between tasks on their computer monitors.

Change System Settings

Windows 11 Copilot makes it incredibly easy to tweak your system settings without diving into multiple menus. Just type in a simple command, and Copilot will handle the rest. Whether you want to enable dark mode, turn on Bluetooth, or adjust the volume, Copilot has got you covered.

Here are some quick commands you can use:

  • Start a focus session
  • Enable do not disturb
  • Turn on Bluetooth
  • Enable dark mode
  • Set volume level (number)
  • Mute volume
  • Change wallpaper
  • Snap windows
  • Manage devices
  • Take a screenshot

With Copilot, managing your system settings is as easy as typing a message. It’s a real time-saver, especially for those using refurbished computers that might need a bit of extra configuration.

Launch Applications

Windows 11 Copilot launching apps with sleek interface

With Windows 11 Copilot, launching applications has never been easier. Instead of navigating through the Start menu, you can simply ask Copilot to open any app installed on your computer. Just type “open” followed by the app name, and Copilot will handle the rest. For instance, you can type “Open Word” and watch as the application launches effortlessly.

Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Open Copilot from the Taskbar.
  2. Click on the input box.
  3. Type your command, such as “Open Steam.”
  4. Submit the prompt and let Copilot do the work.

This feature is especially handy for those who frequently switch between applications or use refurbished laptops with a variety of software installed. While it might be a bit slower than manual navigation, the convenience it offers is unmatched.

Mute Volume

Windows 11 Copilot muting volume with a single click

One of the handiest features of Windows 11 Copilot is the ability to mute your system volume with a simple command. Instead of fumbling around with volume controls or searching for the mute button, you can just ask Copilot to do it for you. This is especially useful during meetings or when you need to quickly silence your device.

To mute the volume using Copilot, follow these steps:

  1. Open Copilot by pressing the Windows key + C.
  2. In the Copilot box, type or say, “Mute volume.”
  3. Copilot will instantly mute your system sounds.

Imagine having an assistant who can mute system sounds for you without any hassle. That’s exactly what Copilot offers!

This feature is part of a broader set of commands that make it easier to access Copilot experiences​​, enhancing your overall productivity and convenience.

Turn on Do Not Disturb

Windows 11 Copilot makes it incredibly easy to turn on Do Not Disturb mode, ensuring you can focus without interruptions. Simply open Copilot by pressing the Windows key + C, and type or say, “Enable do not disturb.” This feature is perfect for those moments when you need to concentrate on a task without being distracted by notifications.

  • Open Copilot (Windows key + C)
  • Type or say, “Enable do not disturb”

With Copilot, you can quickly activate Do Not Disturb mode, saving you the hassle of navigating through the Settings app. This is just one of the many ways Copilot helps streamline your workflow and keep you focused.

Turn on Dark Mode

Windows 11 Copilot activating dark mode on screen

Windows 11 Copilot makes it incredibly easy to switch to dark mode without having to navigate through multiple settings menus. Just type ‘Enable dark mode’ into Copilot and hit send. The chatbot will then ask for your confirmation, so simply click ‘Yes’ to make the change. This feature is perfect for those who want to quickly reduce eye strain or prefer a darker interface for aesthetic reasons.

Using Copilot to turn on dark mode can save you a trip through the Settings screens and streamline your workflow.

Open File Explorer

Windows 11 Copilot opening File Explorer quickly and efficiently.

One of the handiest features of Windows 11 Copilot is the ability to quickly open File Explorer. This makes it easier to find and access files, whether you’re looking for documents, images, or software. With just a simple command, you can have File Explorer up and running in no time.

To open File Explorer using Windows 11 Copilot, follow these steps:

  1. Activate Windows 11 Copilot by pressing the designated keyboard shortcut or clicking on the Copilot icon.
  2. Once Copilot is active, simply say or type, “Open File Explorer.”
  3. File Explorer will open, allowing you to navigate through your files and folders effortlessly.

This feature is especially useful when you need to quickly access files without having to manually search through your computer. It’s a real time-saver!

Additionally, File Explorer in Windows 11 has been streamlined to make it more user-friendly. The ribbon at the top includes prominent buttons for common actions like Cut, Copy, Paste, Rename, Share, Delete, Sort, and View. This means you can perform these actions with just a click, without having to dig through multiple menus.

Whether you’re managing documents, organizing photos, or setting up your computer printers, File Explorer is an essential tool that makes your tasks easier. And with the help of Windows 11 Copilot, accessing it has never been simpler.

Bring Up Wi-Fi Settings

Windows 11 Copilot makes it incredibly easy to access your Wi-Fi settings. Simply ask Copilot to bring up the Wi-Fi options screen, and it will appear almost instantly. This feature is perfect for those who frequently need to switch networks or troubleshoot connectivity issues.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Copilot by pressing the Windows key + C.
  2. Type or say, “Open Wi-Fi settings.”
  3. The Wi-Fi settings screen will pop up, allowing you to manage your networks.

This is especially useful for anyone who needs a quick guide on networking with routers using Windows 11. It includes setting up networks, connecting to Wi-Fi, managing profiles, and optimizing router performance. Troubleshooting tips are also provided, making it a comprehensive tool for all your networking needs.

Change Start Menu Configuration

Windows 11 offers a variety of ways to customize the Start Menu to fit your needs. Whether you want to add shortcuts to frequently used apps or change the layout entirely, Copilot makes it easy.

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Navigate to Personalization > Start.
  3. Here, you can add or remove folders, such as File Explorer and Network icons.
  4. Adjust the layout to show more pins or recommendations.

By tweaking these settings, you can make your Start Menu more efficient and tailored to your workflow. This is especially useful for those using refurbished desktop computers, as it can help optimize your system’s performance.

For a smoother experience, make sure to manage startup apps and schedule updates wisely. This can significantly improve your computer’s boot times.

Use Keyboard Shortcut to Launch Copilot

The quickest way to launch Copilot is by using the keyboard shortcut. Press Win + C to open a sidebar overlay on the right side of your screen. This overlay allows you to work more freely without overlapping your active window.

To hide the overlay sidebar, press the Win + C shortcut again. This makes it super easy to toggle Copilot on and off as needed.

For a more efficient, user-friendly, and clutter-free design, using keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your workflow.

Final Thoughts

Windows 11 Copilot is a game-changer for anyone looking to enhance their productivity and streamline their daily tasks. From managing system settings to launching applications and even assisting with creative projects, Copilot offers a wide range of functionalities that can make your life easier. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just someone looking to get more out of your Windows 11 experience, Copilot has something to offer. So go ahead, explore these cool features, and let Copilot help you make the most of your time on your PC!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Windows 11 Copilot?

Windows 11 Copilot is an AI-powered assistant integrated into Windows 11 that helps you perform various tasks on your computer, such as organizing windows, changing system settings, and launching applications.

How do I launch Windows 11 Copilot?

You can launch Windows 11 Copilot by clicking on its icon in the taskbar or by using a keyboard shortcut.

Can I use Copilot to organize open windows?

Yes, you can ask Copilot to help you organize all the open windows on your screen, making it easier to manage multiple tasks.

Can Copilot change system settings for me?

Yes, Copilot can change various system settings, such as turning on Dark Mode, muting the volume, or bringing up Wi-Fi settings.

Is it possible to launch applications using Copilot?

Yes, you can ask Copilot to launch applications like Microsoft Word or File Explorer.

How do I turn on Do Not Disturb using Copilot?

You can simply ask Copilot to turn on Do Not Disturb, and it will activate this feature for you.

Can Copilot help me change the Start Menu configuration?

Yes, Copilot can assist you in changing the configuration of the Start Menu according to your preferences.

What are some other cool things I can do with Copilot?

Besides organizing windows and changing settings, you can use Copilot to turn on Dark Mode, mute the volume, open File Explorer, and bring up Wi-Fi settings.